Joseph Parker
Right attitude:
EVery one can coach better than KB now haha.
Yep die, those rounds off killed it for Takam he may have had a sore elbow....
Fai, you still wearing that pink underwear stormy gave you for Chism as USO? Lol
(05-25-2016, 02:52 PM)shamrock Wrote: EVery one can coach better than KB now haha.
Yep die, those rounds off killed it for Takam he may have had a sore elbow....
Fai, you still wearing that pink underwear stormy gave you for Chism as USO? Lol

hahaha ffks shamrock how's that boy stormy  going, haven't sin stormy in a while now, I think immigration deported him back to Ukraine lol
Not sure about stormy fai, his wife might have read his txts hahaha
If Parker was overtrained and it's sounds like he was, then he would have been flat as a pancaKe
When it happens niggling injuries start to play up , and mentally you feel like crap.

It could be A blessing in disguise that it happened now , and he got away with the win Because hopefully it won't happen again.
It's should have been avoided and the fault lies with his trainers. You can monitor this stuff with things like Measuring for elevated heart rate at rest.

There's a saying that you are only as good as what you can do on your worst day?
If he really had peaked out and was overtrained , then Joe still got the win on a bad day

If and when his title shot happens hopefully he's peaking and his opponent underestimates him.
Not buying parker being injured. Overtrained or nervous tbh.

Day before the fight KB was banging on about how we were going to see something special, and parker swagged and smirked his way to the ring winking at the cameras.

The bell rang and parker found out its not as easy as he thought at the higher levels, its that simple.
One thing we can say about Joseph Parker is, despite his shortcomings he beat Frenchman Carlos Takam anD defied some of us critics. Whether he and KB can rise to better status than that is up to them. It is their gig. Two guys form an alliance to do something in their lives together a business proposition or whatever theyou rise and fall in how they conduct their stuff, right or wrong it is their gig. As much as we think of either of these two guys the outcome falls on them and of course it is all so very public. Jo wants to defy the odds and beat these guys in the best way possible to accomplish what he began where he was 1st noticed, for his own and family honor and cash box of course. KB'S standing and personal fame is at stake as well, you can see it all in the anxiety and strain he is under when the opposition to Jo is dangerous. I feel for these guys, to go with all the fame and glory and wellwishing comes the fear of failure which is not a small thing and can also bring their health down for impact as they go further. They will be criticism hugely for any mistakes for in boxing every man and his dog is an expert. They get slandered because they did dare to do something where some of us other mortals do not have equilibrium nous or temerity. This is their gig to either make or break.
Duco are another side of the coin altogether, they are there for the money, of course it is a business.. and so far in this venture have made their fortunes off gullible New Zealanders like you and me, and for as long as it's worth they will become millionaires off us, if we let them. Sure it's not required to remember all the fights we suffered with mediocre undercards and 1st round knockouts by the master...but then we are canceled out by small venues high priced ticket sales and ppv costs after paying for installing. It gets done the way they want it because we go with it. KB and JP need money to proceed true, but not at the cost of ordinary NZs being ostricised. They didn't do that in Samoa, what about bigger venues and drop in entry fees....? and more ppv appointments at affordable prices. . We can all get a look.
Parker didn't prove me wrong and I have been critical of him but I actually thought he'd beat takam easier than he did, based off takams shortcomings more than anything.

Parker himself is a lively bloke it would be nice to see him go all the way and he'd be a great role model and all that.

Duco I'll never get behind, them and Kevin Barry just give off the same vibes a shady used car salesman does, haha.
(05-25-2016, 04:40 PM)Infern0 Wrote: Not buying parker being injured. Overtrained or nervous tbh.

Day before the fight KB was banging on about how we were going to see something special, and parker swagged and smirked his way to the ring winking at the cameras.

The bell rang and parker found out its not as easy as he thought at the higher levels, its that simple.
If Parker was/is injured then surely he needs rest and some type of therapy to recover. Why would Duco throw him into his next "keep busy" fight so soon if this is the case ? Didn't they announce his next fight within two days of him beating Takam. Obviously they want to make as much money while the sun shines and as quickly as they can. But you can only get so much money from your cash cow. Additionally they may be risking the big pay day (World Title fight) for a warm up for loose change.
when duco first started out with the fotc, higgins i believe was a straight up dude....but as he worked his way into the world of managing fighters and running fight promotions quickly found out you're either the bug or the windshield. now i think especially since galloping gums has come on board that its all about the quick dollar, hence the shady vibes.

i can't fault parker's desire or work ethic. but i do question his handlers as to whether they are sufficiently skilled in taking parker all the way. tua was an animal. kb started him off, but kb knew tua had raw power and ring presence, tyson-like in appearance and ferocity. once tua started kayoing the world, kb just kinda hung on for the ride.

parker is a developing talent....and as noted by the experts on here needs the best possible help in moving forward. if kb was the answer, perhaps the glaring fundamental mistakes indicated by the experts here in the last fight would have been eliminated, especially in the last 3 or 4 years.

i do like the kid a lot, and he's a hard worker, minds his parents, and is a model citizen, but the hyping bs is not helpful. hopefully parker goes all the way before duco inevitably fks it up.

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