Joseph Parker
diehardThanks markk, please keep us/me informed.  A lot of you are waxing lyrical about Takam's physique (as am I), and are worried for Parker as a result.  I am too, but keep in mind George Arias went 8 rounds with him, and Takam did not stop him.  Arias has been in with top names, but he's small, and is 42 years old.  Also, Povetkin KO'd Takam with one punch in the 10th.  

So what I'm saying is that, yes Takam looks great, and is JP best opponent by far to date, he's not all that.  Takam vs Arias
Hey Die

when i used to compete with guys from all over the world and when i was 17 i first ran against Africans and African American athletes that looked cut to pieces and i must say it made me a bit nervous. but after the first race which i won i realized looks mean nothing.  JP has amazing power i think will put him away.  tough fight but i rekon its going early
There's a theory that the muscley you are, the worse your energy is in the later rounds. They talk about AJ all the time. Takam faded in the later rounds with Povetkin before he got KO'd. Here's Parker talking about a body attack:
Left to the kidneys...overhand right hook. Good night nurse.
people think this is a big deal but its not, as Mark said  Takam is not all that..JP will ko this body builder in round  5..aha shamrock there you go mate prediction from the old
Takam is tailor made for jp. I'd be shocked if this goes past 3.

He's not as good as being made out to be.
I think he'll get KO'd in the middle rounds, but I agree. Have a look on the above thread with Takam/Aries. Takam keeps his left hand low and rolls his shoulders like Mayweather. Also has a lazy right hand to the body. I think Parker will catch him with his speed as Takam likes to exchange. He DOES throw a lot of punches from different angles but never hurt Aries.

The last 10 seconds of this video shows how massive Jo is looking. I think Takam will look quite small next to him at the weigh in.
He looks fantastic. Not sure if he needs to get any bigger than that. Don't want him to have stamina issues going late.
Eddie Hearn discusses the Parker / Takam fight, and Parker / Joshua

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JP looking like a Beast!

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