Joseph Parker
And by the way - Lonergan told me major stuff in confidence that really is "classified".

So suck on those oranges.

Kiwi out.
[Image: yn9mn.jpg]
I believe you, Kiwi. 100%. Lonergan doesn't know you from Adam, but trusts you 100% through a phone call where you could have been anybody from a jurno to Fury's agent. No need to ask Lonergan about Martin coming over here. Believe me, NO top ten opponent will come to NZ to fight Parker. That would be stupid.

I know Mr Higgins and Stu via facebook banter. It's very important that they keep their strategy close to their chest lest other fighters outflank them.
Well thanks, Diehard. Call up Lonergan yourself tomorrow and ask him if he spoke to me and told me things I could not repeat. My first name is "Andrew". The receptionist at Duco has my name and number.

Meantime - since this is about the third time you have treated me this way, I am gone.

Kiwi, you're always leaving...and coming back...BTW, Lonergan is currently out of the country.
Lonergan was in the office all day today. In and out of meetings.

I invite everyone on this board to phone up Duco in Auckland early next week. Ask the receptionist if a man named "Andrew" spoke to Lonergan today (Friday).

She has both my name and my number. And BTW you are correct - NZ is not a place he said they can hold a championship fight. They are focused on becoming Mandatory. That is the goal.

Yes - I did leave this board before. I was gone 3 years.

Best wishes to all. Including you Diehard.

Thanks Kiwi. And you passed the test. Yes, he's still in the country. Major props for having the cajones to call up Lonergan. You chose the right guy, as Stu and Mr Higgins reveal nothing. Lonergan does the talking.

No hard feelings, you're welcome anytime. Always love having you.

Sure they want to become mandatory, as that leaves Fury/Klit no choice but to fight him. But some mandatories, such as Povetkin (I think) have been waiting around for years. So it's not a given. Parker will take any championship belt opportunity they can, but if they are a mandatory, the money goes way up. KB did 3.5 million with Tua vs LL when LL try to initially low ball him.
Good stuff kiwi/Andrew, I think I know who you are mate. And on that premise have no doubt in you at all.
Andrew Higgins? Nah. But good on "Andrew" for doing what it takes to get the answers he wants.
Thanks to all. I have enjoyed it here. And no - it is not THAT "Andrew", Shamrock. Are you kidding me?

No hard feelings, Diehard.

Kiwi out.

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