Joseph Parker
The 3 news one goes into a bit more detail. I just think they are of the opinion that their whole fanbase is there with them on this ride to the top. Joseph's and Kevins Youtube and Facebook has always released videos showing things they have been working on. Snippets of juicy fast jabs and punches to get the fans salivating about the next bout. It's smart, and the formula has worked with apparent good PPV numbers. I have no problems with PPV, you pay to watch most sports live, and their should be no difference with pro boxing. Plus the cost is offset by by mates bringing the beers and chips... Smile
Must be trying to talk up Bergman's prospects for the PPV

A bit strange but oh well
When I heard how hard, and how often JP trains (3x a day, 6x a week), I was wondering how long the human body could sustain that. Sounds like they're starting to find out.

Won't matter against Bergman - he'll be out within 2, and I hope that not too many people will bag Team Parker for that.
He gets his Spaw fight in Samoa for his family.
Hey, he's young, but they are working him too hard. Why? Not necessary. It's not just about the break at the end of the Bergman fight, but he needs to stay fresh during training also. Why does KB push him so hard, and then complain about the amount of rounds, and how tired he is. Now it's injuries too. As they say, you gotta work smart.
Does anyone else think Kevin Barry's trying to light a fire under Jo with his mostly negative comments about his training?

It does seem a bit strange given that trainers will almost universally talk up their fighters even if they're rubbish.
Haven't looked at the clip yet, but the discussion here gets me thinking that they are reacting to the widespread criticism in boxing forums of this being a walk in the park and a waste of time. Over-emphasising the value of the training for this fight with a southpaw perhaps....
From what I saw last night on the news it looks like Joe's face was very swollen including puffy lips and a slight speech problem - no sign of bruising however. Generally when interviewed Joe looks exceptionally fit and has a great screen presence, this didn't seem to be the case on the last interview. Perhaps a very hard year of training and long distance travelling has caught up with Joe.
Yeah, I saw his swollen face too.  What the hell is going on?  Comes back from a training camp looking WORSE in getting ready for a fight? Injuries?  Mis-managed?  Gotta protect your fighter.  You wouldn't do that to a racehorse.
Possibly a few things of concern here (hopefully I am not reading too much into this however). Generally Joe and KB are interviewed together or at least in the same vicinity where you can see them both and play off each other. Hopefully not the first signs of a TUA - KB falling out / split. Training and living with your coach must take its toll on a coach/boxer relationship over a period of time. Secondly who was or were the south paws that got on top of Joe ? A reasonable south paw can and generally is a hard boxer to come up against when you are an orthodox fighter. Joe would have no doubt fought and sparred other south paws when he was an amateur. Additionally his previous coach Grant Arkell is a very experienced coach and would have long ago given him the fundamentals of boxing a south paw and your feet position and guard.
I agree, Fistic Fury. I see KB talking rubbish about the southpaws getting the better of him in training. He looked very good in the one sparring they showed, and looked good on the pads when KB went southpaw. I think they are trying to sell PPV by implying that Joe will have a rough day at the office.

What I don't like was how tired Joe looked, the 375 rounds he put in this year, his swollen face, and his niggling back and elbow injuries. Totally unnecessary.

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