No u right die they won't change it but with them and Hoffman and Jonathan wright that is a start in the right direction. We got to start somewhere and sometime...only thing I really can't agree with is we not a structured team, we can have structured defense but we need to go back to our ad lib footy
Bring in the Walker brothers. They are all about revolutionising rugby league and throwing the ball around. I agree, we are boring on attack. One ups, no support despite Mannering and Matulino in the top 5 in offloads...Our forwards have to hit the line HARD. Lisone and Gubb come to mind. That opens up everything. Play the guys who won't to play. Leave behind the prima donnas on high salaries. Put them on the B team.

Is it revealing too much to say who is dogging it? Hurrell, of course, but who else would you put on the list?
(08-12-2015, 07:00 PM)diehard Wrote: Bring in the Walker brothers.  They are all about revolutionising rugby league and throwing the ball around.  I agree, we are boring on attack.  One ups, no support despite Mannering and Matulino in the top 5 in offloads...Our forwards have to hit the line HARD.  Lisone and Gubb come to mind.  That opens up everything.  Play the guys who won't to play.  Leave behind the prima donnas on high salaries.  Put them on the B team.

Is it revealing too much to say who is dogging it?  Hurrell, of course, but who else would you put on the list?

Lol - Hurrell did get caught dogging with that Shortland St actress
Big story on TV3 and CGW about the Warrior culture and discipline not being right. A lot of it was what you said, Thepaulz.
Good thing is die, it's changing....even Ryan Hoffman has come out and said it has changed in the last 12 months...still a way to go but he said players are starting to buy into it which is good....he said players knew what it took to be a professional player on and off the field, but failed to execute it.....also said difference between professionalism at storm to warriors was storm stuck with same staff for twelve years and standards were set in concrete. Don't reach them don't play....he believes in Cappy and Doyle are going to get warriors there. Coming from him I take that as a huge positive. Surround the team with guys of that standard and things will change as I believe that's what they doing with there signings. Problem with warriors fans including myself, is that we heard it all before and heard excuses for 20 years and are expecting things to happen overnight as we growing impatient. But I think we got good coach and the best CEO in Doyle. And I reckon we will have our first premiership within the next 2 years
Love the timing. When the Warriors were in 4th place, no mention from the media or coach about culture, at least not to the fans. Then Shauny J goes down, they start losing, Cappy makes some very questionable moves with the centres, shifting Townsend to the other side, bringing Wright in, and all of the sudden Cappy's blaming the players and their culture. Certainly taking the heat off him.

I like Cappy, but blaming the Polynesians for our current mess is a bit below the belt. As I said, they weren't complaining when we were #4 in the comp.
Was actually Tompkins that brought the culture to the mediias attention die not Cappy. But Cappy also said that losing Johnson and leuleui etc and there slump in form has nothing to do with the culture. It was just there mere fact that because our grassroots league upwards is not at the standard it should be and those are all part of the plan to make this club successful. His mixture of youth and experience was not working but that's all he is dealt with. They had a members forum at the club the other day with Doyle and Cappy showing the direction the club is heading and the plans they have in place to make this club more successful from grassroots up. They even answered the hard questions it was quite good to hear. With warriors members there which is what the meeting was for
Sounds good, Thepaulz. But can you say who is not up to standard in terms of being a professional. They all seem to pick on Hurrell. Not saying he's not a problem, he is, but the culture is bigger than one person.

Wonder if part of the reason Tompkins has decided to go home was because of the lack of professionalism. Personally, I can't stand his play, but good on him for bringing it out in the open. Cappy I'm not sure about but I love Doyle.
Probably shouldn't mention names die just out of respect for them, but they are not newbies, put it that way. They been in the system for very long time
I understand, but I guess my point is that they shouldn't be respected if they are not staying in shape and disciplining themselves.  They're not respecting themselves or their teammates and fans.

The Warriors management, and the Warriors commentators, protect them from any type of scrutiny.  They get a pass, while Cappy and others pick on the young players.  Doesn't seem quite fair, as guys like Matulino, Tompkins, Manu, are off limits to criticism.  To me, that's part of the problem.  If those senior guys aren't doing their job, they need to be confronted and plan put into place to change it.

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