Joseph Parker
Some comments and pictures here and there on stuff:
Joe’s been treading water for years now. He was one of the hottest names a few years back, didn’t upgrade his trainers and paid the price. Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
You'd think Joe would know how to fight by now. He said that he relied on speed and boxing skills with Leipai. With Williams, he brought the power but said he was impatient and got hit too much. Surely by now he knows how to box with speed and power and keep a tight defense. What's he been doing in the gym, and the ring all this time?
Agreed Die, Parker is actually something of a young veteran by now, he should be prime and ready to go but he looks like he still needs development. I hate to keep harping on about Barry but I mean...

Look at the immediate difference sugar hill made to Fury in one camp
I've read all that has been written about this fight
JP was in a no-win situation - if he won rd 1 KO people would complain , if he got 12rds people would complain.
He did what he could got a decent KO highlight.
Yes he got hit but never troubled, the guy was small but prob faster hands than alot heavies and JP apart from a small cut wasn't hurt.
Does this show me he could handle Chisoras smoke??? No . But he was rusty - he showed hand speed and decent punch selection.
Hopefully he fights again sooner rather than later- get some momentum
Bottom line, he got rid of ring rust against a journeyman (at best) and now needs to turn his attention to a fighter in the top five, something he said he wants to do.  First test, tick.  He won well.  Now onwards and upwards.
Exactly Die
He dealt with what was in-front of him and will have to again against a stronger opponent ... this is what he is paid to do.
He may suffer another loss along the way ...the HW landscape is very competitive
The one thing I liked a lot was Parker's jab.

Much harder and sharper. Onwards and upwards.
Looking forward to seeing the fight on youtube. Yeah, from what I read by following on Stuff, the jab was looking good. The brawling, not so good:
Nice footage of the KO, and a few highlights:

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