Joseph Parker
Here's the card:

Arena Manawatu, Palmerston North, New Zealand

heavyweight Joseph Parker SC Yakup Saglam 12

welterweight Jeff Horn SC Richmond Djarbeng 12

heavyweight Izuagbe Ugonoh SC Junior Pati 8

super welterweight Bowyn Morgan SC Luke Travers 6

super middleweight Joe Blackbourn SC Friday Nwaiwu 6

heavyweight David Letele SC Lordly Kaihua 4x2

heavyweight David Letele SC JJ Smith 4x2
David Letele fighting twice...

I feel sorry for Jnr Pati
Me too. Izu should have been matched with a more worthy opponent. My mate in Opunake, James Langton, recently KO'd Pati. But all and all, a decent undercard. Unfortunately, I'll be in Auckland that weekend; otherwise I'd go or at least see it on PPV. No circus acts, no celebs.
Very disappointing that Pati would be put in with Izu. Everyone loves a knockout but not one that predictable. Cudos to Pati, the guy has balls of steel but someone should be looking out for him better than this.
I understand he was thinking of taking the fight the night Parker beat the Tank but decided his fitness wasn't up to scratch.
Is anyone else keen on Parker vactating is NZ belt? would be keen to see some of the other heavies fighting for it to liven up the division.
At the moment there is no Kiwi capable of fighting Parker for it except Kali and who knows if that will ever happen.
Actually, what ever happened to the belt SBW was forced to vactate, is that still vacant does anyone know?
I don't mind the card and am stocked to see Smokin Joe take a rematch as he was very disappointing the last time they fought.
Would love to see a couple of the cruisers go at it over 10 rounds, maybe Lance Bryant v Monty for his national belt would create some interest. Surely Super 8 wouldn't have them locked in to not fight with Duco would they? I'm sure there could be other reasons at play to though. And am I right or do you guys have little interest in a fight like that on a Duco card???
Pati has pulled out of the fight. I am stoked..
(05-26-2015, 11:37 PM)shamrock Wrote: Pati has pulled out of the fight. I am stoked..

Agreed! Langton would be the only worthy replacement out of NZ who might actually take the fight. Otherwise, need to get an Aussie
The Pati matching demonstrates the mismatching duco may sink to. Thats why I dont buy their fights.
Langton wants to fight at cruiser, as he's a small heavyweight. He shouldn't take the Izo fight, and I'd be surprised if he did.
Just looked at Duco, and they took Izu vs Pati off the card. Langton is fighting in Opunake on June 26th, so doubt he'll be a replacement. However, I'm sure that KB will want to bring him over as he's part of their stable.

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