Joseph Parker
Few things I agree with
He was poor v Fa
his hand speed does appear to have declined ( too much weights and not enough speedwork??)
He just has looked uninspired so hopefully the new voice and perspective from Lee will re'energise hi.
Whatever happens Chisora isn't going to take things easy on him and will deliver a painful lesson if not fully focused
I wonder if this other business hanging over his head has been a handicap- distraction
Yep - the heavy weights may be a hindrance.

But like you Bart, I now wonder if this legal business has been a dark cloud over him for some time.

Would explain a few things....
(03-11-2021, 09:46 PM)markk Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 08:42 PM)bart Wrote: The high profile sportsman loses name suppression tomorrow....

Yeah interesting. Tv1 has asked me to comment tomorrow around 2 when it comes out. I’ll be noting it’s the worst kept secret in sports 

Worst kept secret but hopefully you turned them down and chose not to comment on it at all.
I have a theory....
Chisora (who by all accounts is a great guy) scheduled and hyped up his fight with JP to take some heat off JP.
JP is out of NZ and in camp- new coach all things to distract whats happening back here.
Of course it will also suit Del and he wants to win but wonder if he had prior knowledge from JP this was about to break??
I could be way off track but hey
(03-12-2021, 02:03 PM)bart Wrote: Few things I agree with
He was poor v Fa
his hand speed does appear to have declined ( too much weights and not enough speedwork??)
He just has looked uninspired so hopefully the new voice and perspective from Lee will re'energise hi.
Whatever happens Chisora isn't going to take things easy on him and will deliver a painful lesson if not fully focused
I wonder if this other business hanging over his head has been a handicap- distraction

I guess what I'm saying is that Parker was a 3 out of 5 vs Fa. A poor would be a 1 or 2. And he DID win.

If he's been lifting too many weights, he needs to get a refund. No power.
Supreme Court throws out Joseph Parker’s bid to keep his name secret in drug case

Former world champion boxer Joseph Parker has lost his fight for name suppression - after being linked to a court case in which a group of men were convicted of importing methamphetamine.

The Supreme Court today denied Parker his final chance to keep his name secret, after being denied four previous times.

The Crown alleged during the trial of three men that Parker played a role in importing methamphetamine by transporting and changing currency for the syndicate trafficking the drug. But the high profile sportsman was never charged and he therefore sought name suppression as he had not had a chance to clear his name in court.

Defence lawyer Mike Heron QC had argued on behalf of Parker that if the sportsman’s name was made public it would compromise his ability to extend a fight contract worth $5 million. It would also jeopardise further opportunities and cause undue hardship, he said.

Police say Joseph Parker's celebrity status didn't influence drug case investigation outcome
Tevita Matangi Fangupo, Tevita Sitanilei Kulu and Toni Rajendra Finau were found guilty of importing methamphetamine in 2019.

Police had tried to interview Parker in relation to that case but he had exercised the right to silence. And detectives were granted a warrant to search Parker’s house, but never carried that out. A High Court judge previously said it was “unclear” why this had not happened.

Police today defended their investigation, and Parker said: "This has been going on for ages now, and it takes a toll. I haven't been charged with anything and it doesn't feel right that my name will be connected to matters I've had no chance to defend myself against.

"It's a terrible position to be in. Things have been said about me that are quite untrue; some of them have already been proven untrue, and I was given no chance to respond at the time they were made.

"It's caused a lot of stress and worry for myself and my family - and it just seems totally wrong. Having said that, I need to accept the decision and get on with my life. I have other fights to fight."

In its testimony, the Crown produced text messages from the defendants which it said referred to Parker.

The first text, to Kulu from a California-based supplier, described a person being paid to change a price into US currency and referred to “taking sese and joe out”. But the Crown later accepted this could not have been Parker as he was not in the US state at the time.

A second text, which was not retracted by the Crown, said: “Alright bro..I got u tho..have all ur money..the dude I was with that’s on my snapchat is going to change it to U.S currency..they won’t question him bout all the money..cause he’s the WOB boxing champion so pple know he rich anyways so he’ll be good to change it with no hassles.”

There were also a number of messages on Wickr, an encrypted site, between one of the accused and “joeboxerparker” - Parker’s account - arranging for the supply of small quantities of drugs over a four-day period in November 2017.

While the Court of Appeal concluded that the terminology used – “round one” - suggested the drug being dealt was probably methamphetamine, in a sworn affidavit Parker said: "I have never been involved in the importation of class A drugs. I have never changed or transported money for the defendants. I have never been involved in the purchase, supply or consumption of methamphetamine."
The Supreme Court said in today’s ruling that “the applicant has not been charged with, let alone convicted of, any offence arising from these alleged incidents”.

The Court of Appeal previously said it was possible someone other than Parker was using the account.

That court, in an earlier decision also declining Parker’s name suppression, stated there was legitimate public interest in the police action and whether they had been influenced by Parker’s profile in not accessing all the facts.

Detective Inspector Scott Beard said today following the Supreme Court's decision: "While Police did find evidence that this sportsperson knew all of the men who were accused and subsequently convicted, police applied the Solicitor-General’s prosecution guidelines and found that there was insufficient evidence to commence a prosecution.

"Police obtained a search warrant to obtain the sportsperson's cell phone. However, at the time the search was to take place, he was not at his address and had travelled overseas."

Mr Beard said the investigation was thorough, professional and fair and the status of the sportsman did not have any influence on it.

The Supreme Court said there was no doubt publication of Parker’s name would cause undue hardship to him, but noted “open justice principles” before declining to continue name suppression.

Parker flew to the United Kingdom on Tuesday night, prior to the court’s decision being released.

This stuff has a bad smell about it - but if all Parker did was naiively change some kiwi $$$ to US dollars - and buy some "little white pills" for $400.

Hmmmm. Who knows?

None of us will ever know the full truth, and hopefully there is nothing to it - but there is a slight stench about it all.
And Diehard - gaining strength from weights does not equal punching power.

I'm sure you know that.

Otherwise Mr Universe would be the best boxer
(03-12-2021, 03:59 PM)Kiwi Wrote: And Diehard - gaining strength from weights does not equal punching power.

I'm sure you know that.

Otherwise Mr Universe would be the best boxer

Then why do boxers lift weights? Body beautiful? And markk's man Fa lifts weights, and he knows all about power, as in a previous posts. Fast twitching muscles.
Weights develop strength but must be intertwined with speed /explosive work
Otherwise you look great but can't throw a punch
Fast twitch fibres do die off - with age- inactivity or over training the slow twitch
Dunno if early Mike Tyson lifted much but he is example of high twitch...age (his peak early 20's) and lifestyle took them away. Lennox was opposite where age helped him develop.
Might be going away from Parker here but I love this stuff

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