Joseph Parker
Die, its Lucas Browne put the money with the mouth...I never said one way or another except that Jo should do it. So how much you placing on Jo for the win then, you bin sayin all along...............................
I like Molina as an opponent tm7 - there was a rumour he was being lined up before he got the Wilder shot.
I also "prefer speculating and making up theories based on hunches" but I can't resist a bit of detective work when someone throws up a lead...
No Sham, you said Joe was a hype job orchestrated by Duco.  Something about "I told you so" when he loses.  I said that at 7 to 1 odds I'd put money on Tupou,  but I don't bet against Kiwi's.  True, Browne ALSO needs to put his money where his mouth is.  

I've always maintained that Joe hasn't arrived until he beats a top ten guy.  Same with Joshua.  BUT, Tupou is close enough for a top ten guy for me at WBO #13.  I do think that Parker will stop him, but I can also see Tupou catching him in the middle rounds.  Definitely not a fight with 7 to 1 odds.

Molina would be a good opponent.  So would Meehan and Leapai.  All these guys are scary to me until Parker beats them.  I just don't know how good Parker is, or isn't, until he beats a top ten guy.  And I DO think Duco and KB are matching him well.
Gotta say Tupou is a step up, still not top ten....fringe contender like Jo is flapped to be...we shall seeeee
Tupou's last fight

Ranked 144 by Boxrec
OK Sham. Gotta ask you and others. How do you think it'll go...
I'm predicting Parker in 8. Tupou will start well and trouble Joseph, but Parker will wear him down and win
I just realized I get into NZ fight night. Is this on free tv or is it pay per view. or do pubs have it on a big screen. thanks.
Cali!! Wish I was there you lucky boustard... Have to sit it out here in UK and wait for the reports .... Sad

Where u been anyhow?
Well Die we all hope that mippy's prediction will be it. However it's a pick em fight, I can't predict it, but I'll certainly be interested in the outcome. If Jo takes it out he'll definitely rise in my level of thinking, and for sake of all New Zealanders I hope he makes good mippy's crystal bowl meanderings lol.

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