Joseph Parker
I sure don't.

Oops - my bad. Wrong forum.
Stupid question I have already answered.
No you didn't Sham. Yes or No. Do you want Parker to lose against Haumono like Nigs does?
Die yr question should should read Do I think Jo will lose against Solomon.. The answer is NO! How ever I'm thinking he will lose to the top ten I posted awhile ago. He will beat Solomon Haumono. ..
So you won't answer the question of whether you want Parker to lose against Haumono. That tells me you, like Nigs, want Parker to lose. No need to change my question. You gave me your answer. You WANT Parker to lose against Haumono. At least Nigs can admit it! Come on, Sham. Can't you be honest? No one will think bad about you.
Why would I want him to lose to Haumono when the idea is inconceivable to me die? Please answer!
Some people are fanboys of the duco express because there's gain in it to be seen as such. This incidently could influence your intentions and how you operate. Some days you seem inconsistent and that question looms. Bob Jones is not bothered by it nor nigs by the look of it. Jo Parker has got a loss coming if they push him on the same path. And Lonergan better be careful he doesn't get what he wishes for. Yes I do agree with nigs and hope a wheel will fall of sooner or later. Not against Haumono and I consider nigs wasn't targeting this coming fight either. He has too much pragmatism to to think that way I think.
(05-29-2016, 04:27 PM)shamrock Wrote: Why would I want him to lose to Haumono when the idea is inconceivable to me die? Please answer!
Why would you want Haumono to lose? To shut up Duco and Lonergan, which is what Nigs said. I understand the reasoning, that Lonergan runs his mouth so much that if Parker lost, he'd shut up. Maybe. But I think it would be worse, with the excuses and whoever he fought in the future. Truth is, Lonergan wasn't sure Parker could beat Takam, and said he was relieved when it was over. KB said it was a pick'em fight. 50/50 fight.

I guess what I'm saying is that we should be shooting the Messenger, not the fighter. He hasn't done any boasting, other than to say that Takam, with his age and last chance saloon, he's the one that should be nervous, not (him)Parker.

I hate Lonergan's presence as much as most others, but please don't let that carry over to Parker.
Parker v Haye ?
Wouldn't put JP anywhere near Haye YET.
Nope. I wouldn't either.

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