Joseph Parker
Yes, Veritas is definitely a breath of fresh air. Worth every penny. Can't argue with any of your assessments, Veritas. Guess my fear with Meehan is that he would beat Parker. Made Cameron look bad, and how much better is Parker than Cameron?

Saglam HAS fought fighters of note. I mentioned Charr and Solis. If they felt that Saglam is worthy enough to fight, why not Parker? Can't beat Butterbean? Don't know. But I do know that Parker needs to fight guys like this before he takes on a Meehan or a top ten opponent. What will he learn? Hopefully, some of the skills you mentioned.

Most promoters, except for mega fights such as Mayweather vs Pacman, come up with the date and venue first, then the opponent. Least that's what Kushner told me. Duco is no different.
In terms of marketing, I completely understand why Duco put money before Joseph.

In their eyes they made Joseph what he was, an internationally recognised fighter, with money out of their own pocket and they are now cashing in on that investment, like any business would. Hence why they choose the event before the opponent.

Eventually this will run out of steam and parker's opponents will need to improve to reignite interest and reopen people's pockets as the numbers dwindle down. It's also important to note that 99% of people who go to Duco's shows don't know a lot about boxing, but have been sold on Joseph Parker. So if they say the German Heavyweight Champion is coming, that sounds great to the untrained ear. We in the 1% of fans who actually follow boxing enough to write on a forum know that he's ranked 6 in Germany and that he is relatively unknown, bar two fights against almost were's.

But, being in the 1% means our opinion isn't as important as that of the 99%, all of our money is worth the same.
There were similar discussions a month back on another forum (checkhookboxing). Some folks want him fighting the best right now, and the other people were wondering why Parker was being pushed so quickly- to them, this need for a top 10 opponent now is like him being "thrown to the wolves" rather than being allowed to develop step by step.

Here was my response then, about "why the rush-?" why not just build his profile with small fights on international cards?

I think the urgency stems from his promoters' business model. Duco are an events company that had a few successes filling halls with corporate tables to watch a few big "must see" local boxing matchups. Tua v Cameron etc.. With those guys behind us, Parker is their big thing. Problem is the local casual public may be starting to get sick of the feeling that they are having the wool pulled over their eyes with mismatches sold to them as competitive matches against international names. Highlighted by Pettaway - not a realistic PPV main event dance partner anywhere, ever.

Also- the local mkt has SKY involved in a big way now too, operated by one of the Duco founders, so the NZ corporate table model getting oversupplied. Discussions of tix to all recent events being given away more than previously, suggesting demand not keeping up.

Having Parker live at his trainers house in Vegas, effectively 24 hour a day oversight, can't be cheap for Duco either.

So,with Duco having basically no power outside of Australasia, they are forced to partner with international promoters to get foreign fights to build his profile internationally. There were stories about Ducos discussions with Kathy Duva, how she wanted options on Parker if he faced Glazkov and won. With everything Duco is spending on building up and training this guy, it's not clear they can afford to share..... Maybe they don't have to share if he faces much lower opponents on international cards, but won't make anything either.

While I'm in Spider's corner for Parkers own sake- give the guy a bunch more small steps toward top 10- I'm not sure the over all Team Parker can afford to do that.... Let's see how they solve this one......
Haha tm so true we are of no account but as you say the 99% are waking up too. It's overhype non deliver.

Cranky I heard Sky TV lost heavily on their last super8. It figures it all started with ducos flamboyantcy bigger ppv charges mismatches (not only Parker) and hype. There are only so many dedicated fans, the others are no show when they smell fraud..
Can't see Duco paying KB anything but training money, not room and board. That's between KB and Parker. However, I'm sure KB is getting very good money to train Parker in Vegas.

Duco will continue to do these shows in PN, Invercargill, Auckland, my house, etc. as long as it's profitable. And it must be, or they wouldn't continue to branch out into other parts of NZ. And the opponents must draw, especially with the hype...and when they start to lose money, they'll do something else with Parker, like co-promote him in the US or UK. If he loses, well, there goes the cash cow.

Look at this from Parker's perspective: Less than 10 fights, he gets picked up by Duco, gets to train in Vegas with a veteran trainer, good money, good name opponents, main events, trains with Klit, spars with Stiverne...

I don't think it's just the 1% who know boxing. More like 50% who know boxing and want Parker to succeed. And do pay the $40 a shot for PPV. Everybody's happy, even me. Well, maybe not Sham. Parker gets KO'd, it all comes tumbling down. Gotta match him right to keep the gravy train going for everyone. Look, even Veritas says he posts on here because he wants Parker to be world champ.
Die you write a good story but I think there is plenty of backup and opposition of boxing personalia in Nz to the forty bucks to watch duco boxing killing fraudulent golddigging events that promise the demise of interest in the 'Noble art of self-defense'.
My worry, Sham, is that the circus acts will reach a point where folks will tune out and not watch Parker anymore. I'm was pretty pissed when I learned that the rugby guys get paid good money, and a percentage of the PPV receipts, when they talk about giving money to charity. Dwarves, fetal alcohol people, etc. have no place in a boxing ring that I'm paying for. One or two celebs, no big deal. But just one or two. I'm more interested in good boxing match-ups on the undercard.
Good points Die, and while it continues boxing suffers badly
You can only fool the punters for so long. Keep it entertaining and a good show, and I'll pay, even the $40 even though $25 is about the right amount. Give me circus acts, few undercards, easy opponents for Parker, and I won't pay. Simple economics.

I pay for mediocre undercards if the main event is spectacular (ie Mayweather vs Pacman), or the undercard is spectacular and the main event is so-so.
With Leapai losing lady night does that pave the way for Parker to take him on at the end of the year or early next?

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