Izu Ugonoh
Spot on gothe. Well done thankyou.
Sham, you think I don't rate AJ. I do. Highly. Where we disagree is what I said earlier. Just like Parker, AJ is ranked top 5 without ever facing anyone in the top 20 based on hype and politics. I think he's the real deal. The other disagreement is that you rubbish, and openly want Parker to lose (Meehan) when I think he has great potential to win a title one day. He's also two years younger than AJ.

Ideally, I'd like to see them face each other when both have alphabet titles. Both will have improved in another year or two. BUT, neither have faced a top 20 guy yet. So it's very premature. For both of them.
Sham - I can't believe you can rate AJ above Parker when he has faced such meagre opposition.

I mean, Kali Meehan would be a BIG step-up from anyone Joshua has faced.

I watched AJ on Youtube and he looks good - but he is facing such Tomato Cans and journeymen.

I think Parker right now would REALLY trouble him - but until he faces some decent opponents we will not know his real abilities.

AJ has not been tested. Parker has - at least a little. They both need a couple more years.

Too soon to tell, either way.

No sorry, yawn..I'm out of here
Wow - sorry to offend you, dude.

Anyway - time will tell.

Sent that before seeing yr post kiwi.

We just agree to disagree...no worries
I would say they've faced the same type of competition:

Parker:  Minto, Meehan, Tupou are his top three

AJ:  Sprott, Kevin Johnson, Raphael Love, with Whyte coming up next month.

Here's AJ's opposition in full:


I love both guys, but time will tell us more when they face top 20 competition.  One of the things that AJ had over Parker was that he got his opposition outta there in less than three rounds.  Not anymore, with Parker's new found body.
Where did I want Kali to beat Jo ?
A few pages back on Parker's thread.  Did you not?  No need for proof.  Did you want Meehan to beat Parker?  And do you want Parker to lose any future matches, save for AJ? 

What I like is that everyone was bitchin' and moanin' about Izu getting no love, and now we're using his thread to write about Parker and AJ.
One thing I see is that AJ vs JP should be an awesome fight down the line

But every Youtube fight that I saw of AJ - the opponent was basically a Tomato Can. Apart from perhaps Johnson. And he was small.


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