Joseph Parker
Me too. Which is why going to the UK on the AJ undercard is a good deal. Take it Team Parker. No, it was good to face such a tough opponent in Joe's back yard. Here's what Joe had to say about Takam and the fight:
(05-22-2016, 07:05 PM)diehard Wrote: Me too. Which is why going to the UK on the AJ undercard is a good deal. Take it Team Parker. No, it was good to face such a tough opponent in Joe's back yard. Here's what Joe had to say about Takam and the fight:


If Jo does eventually fight Joshua it will definitely be in the UK. What better prep than to fight another guy there beforehand.
David Haye discusses Parker vs Takam
Skip to 5:10
Here's the compu-punch stat as well as JP talking about being hit. As I said earlier, it was close:
I thought it was clear Parker outworked Takam, Takam never fought hard for 1 whole round. He would sit there for 2 minutes doing sweet fuck all, then try to steal the round in the last minute.

Heaps of people think Takam threw more punches? Must have been the beers I'm guessing

I kind of feel like Joe was too excited and nervous and he wasted energy in the changing room because tbh the first 4 rounds were low out put and he was truly gassed in the 5th.

Parker won this fight 116-112 imo, it was not flawless and a harder working Takam could have pinched it but he might have got ktfo as well.

Is Parkers gas tank much better than AJ's, the jury's still out on that one I think but I do think Parker has a better chin.
I also thought Joe's intro was awesome great entrance lol
Get a napkin and wipe yr chin James. .

Jo did well but not flawless as you jack it up. There were quite a few rounds when Takam was busier, this agreed amongst experienced boxing people who don't drink and lends to some believing he was ripped friends andi I thought a clear win to Joe but more like 15.13 not 16.12 as a couple of judges had it. It's premature to say Jo has a better chin than AJ, I'd  venture to say  Dyllian Wyte might have a bit more snap in his shots than Carlos Takam.

In saying all that Joseph Parker has become an exciting prospect in virtually one fight. The future now looks filled with surprises and with KB talking 1-2 fights before taking on AJ seemslike great common sense
I said not flawless? Takam hit Joe with a lot of good shots, it wasn't the punches that were making him look a bit wobbly though it was his gas tank.

AJ has been hit with 1 good shot (from a massive puncher tbf) when he was fresh as a daisy and he was rocked to his core. AJ doesn't have a bad chin but Joe's is better.

and Sham do you think its fair to say Takam didn't outwork Joe? If your giving Takam rounds it wasn't on a work rate basis?
I've watched it again. There were a few rounds that could have gone either way. My end score was 6 rounds each.

10-9 Takam. Close but the cleaner shots landed by Takam. Some solid lefts.
10-9 Parker. Parker was busier but a lot was not landing clean.
10-9 Parker. Clear round for Parker on activity alone. Takam coming on towards the end of the round.
10-9 Parker. Very close. Takam may have landed the better shots. Parker already starting to go backwards and up against the ropes.
10-9 Takam. Parker running backwards at times.
10-9 Takam. Close. First minute Joe was going back throwing but not really landing. 2nd minute was Parker. 3rd minute was all Takam.
10-9 Parker. Activity alone.
10-9 Takam. Excellent round. Takam won the 1st minute. Parker got the better of the exchanges in the 2nd minute. Takam working hard until the bell with Parkers back against the ropes.
10-9 Takam. Neither guy doing anything noteworthy early. Parker using the jab but nothing really landing. Cleaner shots landed by Takam over the last minute.
10-9 Parker. It looked like Takam took a breather. No one really did much but Parker was more active.
10-9 Parker. Close. Takam could have stolen it over the last minute.
10-9 Takam. A good close round. Every time Takam landed Joe tried to fight back but the cleaner shots were landed by Takam.
Apparently the IBF is nominating the fight as the IBF heavyweight fight of the year

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