Joseph Parker
Yep - either he fights great

Or it's likely lights out
Malik Scott on the fight
Bart, I'll give it a listen later this morning:
Wilder always says things like that- he probably believes it and the way he took his beating from Fury I believe it as well but it means bugger all, the ref is there to make the call if his corner doesn't to save the fighter.
Just a stupid thing to say to me as it is a dangerous occupation
I was a bit surprised too that Wilder said that. It's usually the underdog that says that as they're afraid they'll get KO'd. It's like, "I'm giving it my all no matter how much I get beaten up."
I really cannot quantify why I feel Parker will come in at his most focused, determined and AGGRESSIVE here.

It really is now or never. And I think he knows it

There will never be a better opportunity

Can't wait for this card
...or another opportunity. This is his chance to compete again at the highest level. Lose this, especially by KO, and he either retires or becomes a gatekeeper.
Very likely true, Diehard

Which gives JP even more motivation
If he gets KO'd badly I hope he retires, he will have more than enough $ and hopefully his health intact
If he wins we have a Kiwi in top 3-4 HW so we party on
Parker made what, around 11 mil for the AJ fight, and 10 mil for this fight, so he made as much as Tua did in 2 fights. He said he'd retire at 31 or 32 so now is the time. I saying that, leave us with something good to remember us by Joe. KO Wilder!

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